Day: June 28, 2024

2024 Week 9 Recap

BEVERLY HILLS, MICHIGAN – Gentlemen, a legend has returned! After missing six seasons because of his move to Texas, JG is back in Michigan and resurfaced at LEG.

Prior to his hiatus, JG racked up wins in two of the first three LEG tournaments (he swept the 2017 Preseason Kick-Off and Postseason tournaments), and joined Nick as the two best players in the league. At the time, we were in the infancy of figuring this game out, with ideas for tracking advanced statistics exceeding our skill level in the game – KPM of 10.0 or better was considered “great,” and JG was one of the few who could achieve that.

Fast forward to 2024 and most legacy players have doubled their KPM compared to their rookie year, with Power Rankings leaders exceeding 20.0. JG threw a 12.2 KPM this week, better than he threw before leaving in 2017. It’s going to be interesting to see if more reps will help this O.G. climb the Power Rankings, re-staking his claim as a top player in the league.

Speaking of returns after long layoffs, Pete played for the first time since week 2 and you’d never guess he missed almost two months. He threw an 18.4 KPM with 5.8 points per round (“PPR”), 77% accuracy, 1.35 cornholes per round (“CPR”) and posted a 5-2 record.

Nick missed most of the early season, but has now played three of the last four weeks. This was the first week he looked like himself, posting a 6-2 record thanks to a 23.1 KPM, 7.1 PPR, 83% accuracy and 1.90 CPR.


Cornhole is typically a game of runs and game 6, featuring Erik and Mike V. against Pete and Bob, epitomized that.

Erik and Mike V. took a quick 4-0 lead, with each player earning two points in the first round. Pete caught fire in the second round – his 8-point round put his squad on the board, but he narrowly missed a 4-bagger when an attempted airmail drag pinned both bags on the hole. Bob added four more points in the bottom of the second round before Pete scored three more in the top of the third round, capping a 10-0 run to claim a 10-4 lead.

That lead evaporated quickly in the fourth round when Erik outscored Pete, 10-5, and Mike V. added two more points to give his team an 11-10 lead. However, Pete and Bob once again scored in big chunks, ripping off a 9-1 run over the next two rounds to retake the lead, 19-12.

Desperate to hang in the game, Erik was clutch again when his team needed it most. He scored six points in the top of the seventh round, beating Pete 9-3. But Erik’s fourth bag of the round was for a 4-bagger and victory, yet he blew the bag off the back of the board.

Pete and Bob led 19-18 after avoiding disaster from Erik’s missed opportunity. Bob seized the moment in the bottom of the seventh round by outscoring Mike V., 8-5, clinching a 21-18 win.

The head-to-head between Erik and Pete featured big rounds and clutch shots. Erik held a slight advantage with a 6.14 PPR and 11 cornholes, while Pete threw a 5.86 PPR with 9 cornholes.


This week’s MSM isn’t isolated to one moment. Instead, Bob earns the MSM because he was lights out closing games. “Bobby 12 Bags” validated his nickname in Game 22 when he threw a 4-bagger against

Roger, winning the round 12-4 to earn a 21-15 victory for his team.

Bob also clinched victories in game 6 (already highlighted in the Game of the Night), game 10 (poor Mike V. was the victim again), and game 14 (outscored Erik, 8-2, to give his team a 21-19 win).

Bob was 4/4 in clutch moments with the game on the line this week. **He** is this week’s Mushroom Stamp Moment.

Week 9 Box Score
Week 9 Power RankNameWeek 9 WinsWeek 9 LossesWeek 9 Win %Week 9 SavesWeek 9 ChokesWeek 9 ComebacksWeek 9 KPMWeek 9 Gross Points Per RoundWeek 9 Toss AccruacyWeek 9 Cornholes Per RoundWeek 9 CornholesWeek 9 Cornholes Per GameWeek 9 Gross PointsWeek 9 Gross Points Per GameWeek 9 Net Points ForWeek 9 Net Points AgainstWeek 9 Net Points For Per GameWeek 9 Net Points Against Per GameWeek 9 Net Point DifferentialWeek 9 Foot Snags
1Nick6275%4 - - 23.17.183%1.99111.434242.81579319.611.68.0 0
2Roger4450%3 - - 226.879%1.8110312.938648.314712018.4153.4 0
3KP4357%4 - - 21.26.679%1.69669.425636.6112881612.63.4 0
4Pete5271%4 - - 18.45.877%1.35507.121430.6119851712.14.9 0
5Mark3175%2 - - 18.25.772%1.414110.316541.3706317.515.81.8 0
6Turley4544%3 - - 18.15.772%1.39717.928932.112514513.916.1(2.2)0
7JV4544%2 - - 185.671%1.39687.627530.612114813.416.4(3.0)0
8Dan G.3260%2 - - 17.55.574%1.28377.416032936218.612.46.2 0
9Brent2250%2 - - 17.25.579%1.17358.816541.3706317.515.81.8 0
10Mike R.2625% - - - 15.8570%1.1546.824630.88315710.419.6(9.3)0
11Erik3443%1 - - 14.34.670%0.91436.12173111513216.418.9(2.4)0
12Bob5363%2 - - 12.2464%0.72384.821126.41361351716.90.1 0
13JG4357%3 - - 12.23.954%0.86304.313519.31079315.313.32.0 0
14Mike V.1517% - - - 11.43.761%0.64284.716427.39112315.220.5(5.3)0