Month: June 2020

2020 Week 3 Recap

BEVERLY HILLS, MICHIGAN – The most controversial aspect of LEG is the foot snag. And while it’s not as exciting as an airmail, 12-point round, or a match decided by a walk-off toss, it has always been a hell of a source of entertainment.

For those who don’t know, the foot snag was invented by LEG in 2016. That’s right, we invented it and I’d challenge anyone to prove otherwise.

The concept is simple – a wayward toss that is gathered and controlled on another player’s foot (like a hacky sack) prior to the errant toss hitting the ground is considered to be a successful foot snag.

The thrill of a foot snag is twofold: 1) it’s damn hard to perform considering the unpredictability of speed and direction of the bag’s carom off the board; 2) and more importantly, the player who threw the errant toss is required to chug/finish their beer before the match is allowed to continue.

The concept was perfected by Humberto, who is widely considered to be the best foot snagger of all-time. He has single-handedly been a difference maker in tournaments through use of the foot snag, snagging players so that their intoxication level skyrockets and their skills diminish.

It wasn’t hard to convince the league that the foot snag needed to be a staple of LEG, and the numbers reflected that.

  • In 2016 there were 38 total foot snags.
  • In 2017 the total grew to 139, and we had a legitimate regular season race between JV and Adam for the foot snag crown. JV totaled 35, while Adam fell just short with 34. It was like a modern day McGwire vs. Sosa, without the steroids.
  • In 2018, Adam was on a mission to win the foot snag crown and he did with ease, snagging 43 bags on the year. The league total dipped to 99, which was reflective of some brewing controversy among certain league members.
  • In 2019, the controversy came to a head with several players calling it a distraction, claiming the game suffered because of it. Arguments can be made for each side, but the divisiveness of the topic caused many players to stop attempting the foot snag. The 2019 league total was just 11 snags, and JV had six of them.

Foot snags were trending toward classification as an endangered species. But it’s amazing what some new blood can inject into the league!

This week Jimmy popped his LEG cherry, which allowed players the opportunity to paint a full picture of the league – we gave a tutorial on the scoring format, the statistics spreadsheet, KPM concept, warned him of the consequences of losing a game 21-0, and of course, introduced the foot snag.

Listen, it’s our obligation to ensure every LEG player knows the league inside and out. We owed it to Jimmy to educate him on the foot snag rule. And then that new MFer went out and snagged three bags in his first week, including foot snagging his own partner, Paul, TWICE in Game 6! Of course Paul had to return the favor, foot snagging Jimmy later in Game 6.

No wonder they lost that game 21-5 to Erik and Barker…

Many players think it’s a sin to foot snag at all. But foot snagging your own partner is about as bad as it gets, in some players’ minds.

My view? Fuck it, foot snag anyone and everyone. You don’t want to be foot snagged? Don’t throw an inaccurate bag!

Thank you, Jimmy. We needed your energy and passion for rejuvenating the foot snag.


The Game of the Night featured Jimmy and JV against Paul and Turley in Game 1. Jimmy’s inaugural game, and he makes the cut for Game of the Night!

Things didn’t go Jimmy’s way early on in this one. Through the first three innings, Jimmy scored just one gross point – 1/12 shooting to start his LEG career, and Paul capitalized by outscoring him 9-1 during that stretch.

JV wasn’t much better during that period, losing his head-to-head battle with Turley, 8-7. Jimmy and JV quickly found themselves in an 11-2 hole.

Jimmy flashed his potential in the fourth inning when he outscored Paul, 4-0, but his team’s deficit was still 14-6.

In the top of the sixth inning JV scored all four of his tosses, including one cornhole, while Turley managed only one toss on the board. A 6-1 advantage shrunk the margin to 14-11, and Jimmy piled on in the bottom of the sixth by besting Paul, 3-0.

The sixth inning surge allowed Jimmy and JV to tie the match at 14-14, and JV gave his team a 16-14 lead in the top of the seventh to cap a 10-0 scoring run.

Paul and Turley needed to answer. They were on the ropes, at risk of nearly choking away the game. That’s when Paul stepped in to save the game – in the bottom of the seventh he nailed a cornhole on his first toss, then scared the hole with his second toss settling fractions from another cornhole. Paul’s third toss was aggressive, clearly trying to take the second toss into the hole. But the toss was offline and long. Paul collected his nerves, and fired his final bag at the hole. It had a lot of steam on it, but tracked directly at the hole…the bag hit high on the board and slid into the hole, taking the other bag with it!

Two cornholes on the final toss of the inning, good for a 9-3 advantage and a 20-16 lead overall.

JV kept his team in it, cutting the deficit to 20-18 in the top of the eighth inning. But all eyes turned back to Jimmy and Paul in the bottom of the eighth.

Jimmy’s four throws produced four gross points, and Paul had managed just two points after his first three tosses. Paul had one bag remaining, and faced the possibility of a 20-20 tie, with bags going back to JV and Turley.

Paul stared at the hole, swinging his arm slowly back-and-forth, presumably developing a rhythm and measuring his throw. But it’s entirely possible he was daydreaming about which beer he’d drink next, and was clueless about the situation he was in. Nobody can ever tell with Paul, which is why we love him!

Paul let a low line-drive go toward the hole. Once again, this toss had heat on it. Once again, his final bag landed high on the board and pushed another bag in for a cornhole on it’s way into the hole.

Two cornholes on the final toss of the inning, for the second consecutive inning! This time, he erased a 4-2 deficit and flipped it to a 7-4 advantage, which closed the match, 21-18.

Paul’s clutch shots in the seventh and eighth innings were turning points in the match, and prevented Jimmy from his first career victory. For that, Paul earns this week’s Mushroom Stamp Moment, his second of the 2020 season.


Week 3 presented difficult playing conditions because of a strong breeze and uneven footing for the players to navigate in their throwing stance. KP decided to play in a new area of the yard to help preserve the health of his grass, and to avoid pissing off his neighbors, who interrogated Paul and Jimmy at the beginning of the night.

Several players still had really strong performances, but in general accuracy and consistency suffered.

  • Jimmy cracks cornholes and he don’t care! It’s true, Jimmy knocked in 0.41 cornholes per round, which is really good given the playing conditions and the fact that he was making his LEG debut. His KPM was just 6.4, primarily due to 31% accuracy. By comparison, Jimmy wasn’t too far off from the following players, who have a solid track record:
    • Paul shot 32% and had a 7.1 KPM, which is crazy given the loud moments and MSM he had this week.
    • Erik shot 39% and registered an 8.0 KPM
    • Turley shot 43% and had an 8.6 KPM

Though Jimmy lost his first career game in heart-breaking fashion, he did finally get his first win and ended the night with a 2-4 record. Most importantly, he brought the foot snag back into style!

  • Barker made his season debut and didn’t have much rust in his game. Despite the playing conditions, he shot 63% on his way to a 12.1 KPM and 2-1 record. The highlight of his night was holding off Galz in Game 10, losing the head-to-head battle, 39-37. Barker’s neutralization of Galz was key in helping his team to a 21-11 victory, including surviving a 10-point round from Galz by posting eight points to prevent a huge scoring swing.
  • Speaking of Galz, the playing conditions seemed like no problem for him. He was the only player to produce a 10-point round (he had three of them), and he swished cornholes at a ridiculous 1.18 per round while also shooting 62%. His 15.4 KPM is really high on any night, let alone one like this. Galz was a stud, finishing the night 4-2 overall and was the most imposing player this week.
  • JV was the most accurate player, shooting 65% this week. His 11.8 KPM is also impressive, and could’ve been much higher if he had made a few more cornholes (he averaged 0.66 per round). He finished 2-3 overall, and was oh-so-close to being on the right side of .500 if the Game of the Night had swung his (and Jimmy’s) way.
  • KP posted a 13.4 KPM, which looks great on paper. However, that was inflated simply because of his cornhole rate (0.97 per round). His accuracy was way down (58% tonight, compared to 69% for the season coming into week 3) and, even more importantly, he was victim to two 21-5 losses. It’s hard to call that a good night when you get bombed that badly, no matter what the numbers say. He finished the night 3-3 overall


CLAWSON, MICHIGAN – Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!

More like, mullets and tigers and jorts, OH…MY…GAWD!

The 2020 Preseason Kick-off Tournament went all-out gay hillbilly zoo with the “Joe Exotic” theme.

Paul keeping the tiger tame

Paul brought his tiger to the tournament. JV nailed Doc Antle, without all the hoes. KP went full Tiger King by painting Bengal stripes in his beard. And, Nick and Erik looked like the perfect hicks to lead the remaining bums around tiger cages, scooping shit and shooting guns.

It’s unbelievable the Clawson PD didn’t show up at Coach Mike’s to arrest every one of us. We all violated our restraining order because we were too close to all the kids at Clawson High School.

It was gross. It was glorious.

LEG Exotic





After the most competitive tournament we’ve ever had to finish the 2019 season, we decided to follow a similar format for the Draft Lottery. The 12 players were ranked using a combination of current and prior year KPM (some players had not yet made a 2020 appearance, so in those cases their 2019 data was used), and a line was drawn between the #6 and #7 ranked players to create two groups:

  • Players ranked #7 – #12 represented the drafters – each player was given one ping pong ball with their name on it, and were all given equal odds to earn the #1 overall pick. This group of players included:
    • Paul
    • Bushie
    • Coach Mike
    • Erik
    • Jack
    • Steve
  • Players ranked #1 – #6 were excluded from the lottery wheel and represented the pool of draftees. This group of players included:
    • Nick
    • Dibble
    • Galz
    • JV
    • Tony
    • KP

The lottery wheel was spinning, all players eagerly awaiting the selection of the first ping pong ball. The first ball was snatched and rolled down the ramp to reveal the fortunate winner of the #1 overall pick – Coach Mike! Now that’s some homecourt cooking, if I’ve ever seen it.

The rest of the lottery order was determined (see summary table below), and then it was time to draft partners. With so many good players to choose from, Coach Mike couldn’t go wrong…could he?

Coach Mike was on the clock. MC Tony D. holding the mic, waiting for the pick to be in…and then, “I guess we have to run this back,” Coach Mike said, uneasiness in his voice. “I’ll take Dibble.”

MC Tony D. officially announces, “With the first pick in the 2020 LEG Preseason Kick-off Tournament, Coach Mike selects Dibble!”

And there it was, the same duo “running it back,” trying to avenge a disappointing 2019 Postseason Tournament.

After a few picks, Steve was on the clock with pick #4 and couldn’t believe who was still available…Nick! Steve took a pull from his beer, searched for a bong hit but came up empty because Bushie wasn’t around, so instead he turned to MC Tony D. – “Winkler,” he said, nonchalantly.

This was a *real* team running it back. Steve felt like he was getting a steal at #4, and who could argue? After all, in the 2019 Postseason Tournament Steve won rights to the #1 pick and selected Nick. They were excellent in the tournament, earning the #1 seed after round robin play, and marching all the way to the semifinals before elimination.

Here is how the rest of the draft played out, including draft order, players drafted, and team names:

Pick Player Partner Drafted Team Name
1 Coach Mike Dibble “Bat Wing”
2 Jack KP “$80 of Baking Soda”
3 Paul Galz “Daddy’s Home”
4 Steve Nick “Stinkler”
5 Erik JV “Wolfe Pack”
6 Bushie** Tony “Cockweights”

**Bushie was a last minute scratch from the tournament, leaving Tony without a partner. Unfortunately for Tony, that meant his “team” forfeited every game during round robin play. However, Coach Mike found a neighborhood friend, Jesse, who wanted to play, and that allowed Tony a chance to compete in the tournament.


Note: All win/loss records in parenthesis are adjusted to exclude the forfeited win given to each team due to “Cockweights” not having two guys play during round robin.

The tournament was structured to create the optimal competitive balance, and on paper the teams appeared to have achieved the goal. However, round robin was anything but competitive. Excluding the forfeited games by “Cockweights” there were 20 games in round robin. Only two of those 20 games were decided by five points or less, and both of those two games were 21-16 finishes.


At the forefront of blowout city was “Stinkler,” going 5-0 (4-0) without breaking a sweat. Nick actually looked like the guy who won a championship in 2016 and a Singles title in 2018 – he beat the brakes off every single challenger. Meanwhile, Steve also caught fire and was dominating his head-to-head match-ups.

Every team who lined up against “Stinkler” had one goal – attempt to draw even against Nick, and whomever was head-to-head with Steve had to win that match-up. Well, that didn’t work. Not even close. “Stinkler” routed the competition:

  • Beat “Daddy’s Home” 21 – 12
  • Beat “Wolfe Pack” 21 – 3
  • Beat “Bat Wing” 21 – 11
  • Beat “$80 of Baking Soda” 21 – 10
  • Forfeit win over “Cockweights” 21 – 0

The dynamic duo easily earned the #1 overall seed, their second-consecutive tournament earning that honor. Now, the only question was if they could cash in on that advantage.

“Bat Wing”

Speaking of “running it back,” let’s check in on “Bat Wing.” Coach Mike looked primed for a strong performance, and has experience with deep runs in tournaments. The only runs Dibble has experience with are the ones he deposited in Bushie’s toilet after too many PBRs and hot wings.

In fairness to Dibble, he has only played in one doubles tournament prior to this. However, he is supremely confident and has the league’s highest KPM accumulated through the Thursday night regular season.

Unfortunately “Bat Wing” picked up where the duo left off in the 2019 Postseason Tournament…in disappointing fashion. They lost all round robin games (excluding the forfeit win over “Cockweights”), and seemed to lose all confidence in the process.

  • Lost to “$80 of Baking Soda” 12 – 21
  • Lost to “Daddy’s Home” 7 – 21
  • Lost to “Stinkler” 11 – 21
  • Lost to “Wolfe Pack” 16 – 21, which was competitive, but JV got the upper hand against Dibble, and closed him out to clinch the match
  • Forfeit win over “Cockweights” 21 – 0

Things were so bad for “Bat Wing” that even their forfeit victory didn’t hold water. Once Jesse arrived and allowed “Cockweights” an opportunity to compete, “Bat Wing” offered them a friendly warm-up match before the triple-elimination tournament began. This match didn’t impact seeding, and literally meant nothing. Though, it was a critical opportunity for “Bat Wing” to find a rhythm to jump start their day.

Once again, they were denied any momentum. Jesse, while rusty, still outplayed Coach Mike, and Tony made Dibble looked like the pre-teens Tony’s used to bullying in cornhole.

“Daddy’s Home”

On the other side of the coin, “Daddy’s Home” was on a roll! Sure, they lost 12 – 21 to “Stinkler,” but they won the rest of their matches to finish 4-1 (3-1), and earned the #2 seed in the process.

Paul pulled double duty, taming his tiger and taming his head-to-head opponents. Meanwhile, Galz looked like a hillbilly Oklahoman who just walked out of a gay Miami club at 5 am, only to kick everyone’s ass in cornhole.

“5 am Galz” with his tiger trainer, Paul

These guys were kicking ass and taking names. Did they have enough to topple “Stinkler”? Galz is a former champion (2019 Preseason Kick-Off), and had an epic head-to-head battle with Nick in the title match of the 2018 Singles Tournament. He eventually lost that match, but proved he’s not intimated by Nick and has the game to beat him.

Paul hasn’t won a title, but he’s made several appearances deep in tournaments, including leading his partnership with Bushie to a semifinal appearance. Paul also consumes enough liquid courage to help him mentally. “Daddy’s Home” has a nice recipe brewing for title contention.

“$80 of Baking Soda”

Jack selected KP with the second pick in the draft, and the defending champion was eager to become the fourth player to win consecutive tournament championships, joining JG, JV, and Barker.

Jack started round robin throwing good, consistent bags. Unfortunately for him, his prized pick wasn’t holding up his end of the deal. Maybe it was bad juju from selecting a team name that mocked the host (Coach Mike). If so, the bad juju is worth the mocking because you can’t drop $80 on powder in the streets of NOLA and have it turn out to be baking soda.

Regardless the reason, KP didn’t have anything going early on. In fact, “$80 of Baking Soda” hung around in tough losses to “Daddy’s Home” (14-21), “Stinkler” (10-21), and “Wolfe Pack” (16-21) solely because of Jack grinding in those matches.

After starting 0-3 in round robin with only one more match remaining, KP reassured Jack they were going to be ok. “We gotta get this game against Dibble and Coach, and that will get us rolling! We’re this close!” he said, holding his thumb and pointer finger half an inch apart, as if he were milking a cat (yes, cats can be milked. You can milk anything with nipples).

Dibble and Coach Mike have nipples, and they got milked in the final round robin match against Jack and KP! Wait, that seems like a bad analogy, especially when talking about Aunt Millie Mike, the king of bun runs. As I write that, all I picture is Dibble and Coach face down on tables, d*ckhole cut out of it, waiting eagerly.

How about, “Jack and KP bullied Dibble and Coach Mike, stole their lunch and took their milk money”? That’s better, though still not enough to erase what I’ve created…

A 21-12 convincing victory for “$80 of Baking Soda” reinforced KP’s message. But was it what the doctor ordered?

“Wolfe Pack”

With JV as the anchor, “Wolfe Pack” seemed to have a legit shot at a title. After all, JV has appeared in three championship matches (winning two) since joining the league in 2017. He’s batting .500 as far as making it to the final match. He has more title appearances than Doc Antle has women, and that’s damn tough to beat!

Adding fuel to JV’s fire is the fact he was the fifth overall pick, and technically the last player picked in the draft. “Tournament JV” is dangerous. “Tournament JV” with a chip on his shoulder is lethal.

However, “Wolfe Pack” looked more like a roller coaster than a title contender during round robin. They played in the only two “close” games, though they did win both. But 21-16 victories over downtrodden “Bat Wing” and struggling “$80 of Baking Soda” aren’t hat-hanging worthy. Tack on 3-21 and 9-21 losses to “Stinkler” and “Daddy’s Home,” respectively, and it was hard to call “Wolfe Pack” a true contender. They did earn the #3 seed, allowing them to avoid “Stinkler” for a few rounds.


Upon conclusion of round robin matches the commissioner dropped another bomb on the players. Instead of rewarding the best teams from round robin with a bye in the opening round of the tournament, the worst seeded teams would now be rewarded with the opening round byes.

All players were confused. Why would the commissioner make this ruling? The curve ball was predetermined earlier in the week, the goal of which was to create more competitive balance. The new rule forces the top four seeds to square off in the opening round, guaranteeing that two of those top four seeds will incur an immediate loss. It also provides a slight reprieve to the bottom two seeds.

The reformatted bracket looked like this:

After their forgettable round robin performance, “Bat Wing” found themselves with a much needed first round bye. “Cockweights” solidified the other bye thanks to five forfeitures.

The opening round of the tournament featured intriguing match-ups, but once again the favored teams easily handled their business:

  • #1 “Stinkler” trucked #4 “$80 of Baking Soda,” 21-9. Steve played out of his mind, riding the rhythm of his long, sweeping lefty toss. At the other end, Nick continued resemble championship form by putting a stranglehold on KP.
  • In the other opening round match, #2 “Daddy’s Home” beat #3 “Wolfe Pack” for the second time of the day. This time, Galz overpowered JV on the way to a 21-12 victory. Galz had his power game working in this match, pushing JV’s blockers out of the way with ease, and draining cornholes almost every round.

“Stinkler” advanced to play “Cockweights,” which was an intriguing game given Tony hadn’t played all day, and Jesse’s talent was still a mystery. Tony’s a very good player, and capable of getting on a roll to neutralize Nick. Could Jesse dominate the head-to-head with Steve, giving the #6 seed a fighting chance at a monster upset?

Not this time. “Cockweights” played a respectable match, but things were never really in doubt. “Stinkler” cruised to a 21-12 win, and ran their winning streak to six games.

“Daddy’s Home” had little trouble with #5 “Bat Wing” in round robin, controlling them in a 21-7 win. In the second round, they tamed “Bat Wing” again by the same score, 21-7.

A tournament full of promising parity was now all chalk in the Winners’ Bracket, pitting #1 “Stinkler” against #2 “Daddy’s Home” for a spot in the Winners’ Bracket semifinals.

Galz started the match throwing big blows at Nick, hitting cornholes in each of the first three rounds to keep the match close, just a 9-8 deficit. But Steve dropped a 10-point round on Paul to break the game open, and that cushion was enough to convince Nick to become just a bit more aggressive in trying to hold off Galz’s attempts at big rounds.

“Stinkler” closed the game on a 12-4 run and won going away, 21-12. Their exceptional play had positioned them as the team to beat.


After receiving a gift with the opening round bye, “Bat Wing” squandered a great opportunity to kick-start their tournament, losing to “Daddy’s Home,” 21-7. That sent them to the Losers’ Bracket against “Wolfe Pack,” who was also trying to find consistency.

That’s when Erik finally stepped up. Nobody knows what caused it, but Erik reached new heights in this game. He crushed Coach Mike in the head-to-head match! Maybe it was all the nightmares of Coach Mike calling him “Sam” when they first met, saying, “You can have your name back when you earn it.”

Well, he certainly earned it in this one. Erik was crucial in leading his team to a 21-11 win, which also dropped “Bat Wing” to one game from elimination.

“Cockweights” pulled the first upset of the day when they topped “$80 of Baking Soda,” 21-13. Tony danced circles around KP, and Jesse’s beautiful spinning pancake found more consistency than Jack. It was a statement win, and set up a big match with “Wolfe Pack.”

Could “Cockweights” continue their surge and pull another upset? They hardly looked like an underdog against “$80 of Baking Soda,” and you have to wonder if they would’ve been one of the top seeds had they played round robin. This was a scary game for “Wolfe Pack.”

Scary as it may have been, some movies just aren’t as scary anymore when you’ve seen them over and over. Tell me if you’ve heard this before – big tournament match requiring an exceptional performance to avoid facing elimination, and JV rises to the occasion. This seems to happen several times every tournament, and it happened for the first time in the 2020 Preseason Kick-Off in this game.

JV made “Cockweights” look like they had a 45 pound plate strapped to their shaft. He was dealing, displaying his array of shot-making skills – rainbow airmails, perfectly placed D-bag blockers preventing Tony from good looks at the hole, bully bags to force Tony’s bags out of position, and right-to-left shot shaping to sink precise cornholes.

THIS is the JV many expected to see, it just took him half the day to finally show up. He led “Wolfe Pack” to a convincing 21-9 win over “Cockweights,” earning a match with “Daddy’s Home” for the third time.

JV’s killer instinct was on full blast, and Erik’s confidence was sky rocketing. After already losing twice to “Daddy’s Home,” “Wolfe Pack” showed up for this one pissed off, ready to kick ass and chew bubble gum; except they were all out of bubble gum!

“Wolfe Pack” almost played a perfect game while dissecting “Daddy’s Home,” 21-12, avenging two prior losses. Suddenly, “Wolfe Pack” climbed back up for air and earned a shot at “Stinkler.”

Meanwhile, “Daddy’s Home” was reeling after two straight losses. Paul had let the tiger out of the cage too soon, and needed to tame it ASAP. Galz was running on fumes from clubbing in Miami until 5 am and either needed a tranny or a line of baking soda. Where’s Coach Mike when you need him?!?!


Who would’ve thought the teams owning the #1 and #2 draft picks would be the first to face elimination? Two straight losses sent “Bat Wing” and “$80 of Baking Soda” to the bottom left of the bracket, which means they were fighting for their tournament lives in an elimination game.

KP felt it was time for another inspirational moment. He walked Jack over to the bracket, “We are fine! Play our game, we are fine. In all the tournaments I’ve played, I’ve never not made it here,” he preached, as he pointed to the semifinal game on the bracket. “I promise you we will get there. Play your game, play confident, and don’t worry about mistakes. We will get there.”

Ice cream makes losing feel better

That seemed like a bold statement considering it was four games away, “$80 of Baking Soda” had no room for error, and they had not played well all day.

But they had what the doctor ordered – “Bat Wing.” KP was focused and hellbent on crushing Dibble. He had to be, after his bracket sermon with Jack. Dibble had no chance against KP, nor did Coach Mike against Jack.

“$80 of Baking Soda” rolled to a 21-15 win, keeping hope alive and sending “Bat Wing” home with an 0-8 record on the day. Since Coach and Dibble couldn’t “run it back,” they ran to the neighborhood ice cream man upon elimination.

KP kept his promise to Jack. After beating “Bat Wing,” they ripped off consecutive wins in elimination games against “Cockweights” (21-3) and “Daddy’s Home” (21-12), landing a spot in the semifinals.

KP helping “$80 of Baking Soda” make a deep run


“$80 of Baking Soda” cemented their spot in the semifinals, albeit crawling through the mud of the Double Losers’ Bracket. They awaited the showdown between “Stinkler” and “Wolfe Pack.”

“Stinkler” was winning with such ease that their biggest opponent was battling rust and complacency while waiting for the Losers’ Bracket to shakeout.

Steve passing time waiting for his title match opponent

They also had their hands full with a dangerous “Wolfe Pack” squad. The only prior meeting between these two squads was a 21-3 throttling by “Stinkler” in round robin play. That match was a loooooooong time ago, and this is a different “Wolfe Pack.”

JV gets all the hype, and deservedly so. But, an unsung hero continues to emerge and that’s Erik. In this enormous game, he played enormously. Erik stepped on Steve’s throat early and applied more pressure with every throw, hoping he’d tap out.

Erik helped his team hang around, and deep into the match it was tied, 12-12. The bags were in the big guns’ hands, and JV was the right man for this moment. He drained three cornholes and boarded another bag, while Nick could muster just four points – JV posted a commanding 10-4 round to put his team up 18-12!

This was the first time all day “Stinkler” had truly been tested. The bags went back to Erik and Steve, and Erik tosses first.


Holy shit! Technically it was 21-12, though Steve still had four more bags remaining (Erik with three). The untouchable now seemed human!

Steve puffs his cigar and let’s a bag fly. CORNHOLE!

What an answer! That shot seemed to deflate Erik, as his next three tosses missed the board. Steve capitalized by sinking two more cornholes, good for a 9-3 round and just like that it was tied, 18-18.

“Stinkler” was on the ropes, and Steve fought his ass off to keep things alive for Nick.

The very next round, Nick closed the game by getting the best of JV. “Stinkler” pulled off an unbelievable 21-18 win, when moments prior it looked like they were going to get upended.

The victory advanced them to the title match, and their undefeated record meant their title match opponent had to win three straight games to claim The Cup.


Two teams remained opposite “Stinkler,” and now the winner would earn a title match bid and the opportunity to climb the championship mountain, needing to beat “Stinkler” three consecutive games.

KP and Jack had been battling for their tournament lives with no room for error. They were ready to get one more win under their belt and punch a ticket to the title match. They weren’t intimidated by “Wolfe Pack,” though they lost the only other match of the day against them in round robin (21-16).

The intensity of this match was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Not even a passed out Galz periodically waking up to vomit in the background could distract these four players.

The tiger tamed Galz

A back-and-forth game throughout was 15-14 in favor of “Wolfe Pack” after six or seven rounds. Erik and JV both refused to lose, each contributing three net points to end the game on a 6-1 run to win, 21-15.

JV gave a fist pump in the final moments and celebrated with Erik – “Screw KPM! That shit means nothing! We just went through a tournament and beat Dibble, KP, Galz, Coach, and Tony. Don’t be scared of anyone!”

JV was right. This tournament proved Erik is capable of taking his game to new heights, and JV was the perfect partner to push him there.

“$80 of Baking Soda” was disappointed, their run was over. But they were proud of the championship mettle emergence when their backs were against the wall.


The title match was set, and though “Stinkler” had a three game advantage to play with, they knew better than to play with “Wolfe Pack” after escaping the recent semifinal match.

“Wolfe Pack” pushed them again, exchanging leads throughout the game. They were supremely confident, winning four of their last five games, the only loss being that squandered 18-12 lead in the semifinal showdown with “Stinkler.”

Nick gave “Stinkler” some breathing room late in the first game when he posted eight crucial points (five net points), resulting in a 17-12 lead.

Erik and JV kept grinding, closing the gap to 18-16. But Nick is a bad, bad man. This is the Nick who has won titles, who is the best player in the league. This Nick has been gone for a few years, but he’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Nick quickly closed the game, 21-16, and helped “Stinkler” win a title! Wire-to-wire winners, 10-0 on the day, and the last few matches against “Wolfe Pack” weren’t easy. Yet, they played from a position of power all day thanks to Nick’s rebirth as the baddest dude in LEG and Steve being that silky smooth stealth bomber.

They were the perfect combination on this day, and were the one team who made the right decision to run it back.

“Stinkler”! Champions!

“Stinkler” – 2020 Preseason Kick-Off Champions!

This championship the first of Steve’s career, while Nick becomes the leader in LEG hardware with two doubles titles (ties him with JG, JV, and Barker for most all-time) and a Singles title.

Congratulations to “Stinkler,” your 2020 Preseason Kick-Off Tournament Champions!


The 2020 Preseason All-Tournament Team was voted by the players, and the top four players receiving votes were named to the All-Tournament Team. Nick was the unanimous MVP, reminding the entire league who the Original Gangsta really is.

JV was a rock star and easily the second-best player in this tournament. He was voted to the All-Tournament Team.

The last two members of the All-Tournament Team were newcomers, and a bit of a surprise. It’s never a given that both players from the champions and runner-up to comprise the All-Tournament Team. But in this case, Steve and Erik both earned their All-Tournament Team honors because they took their games to another level, and out-played other heavyweights all day.

2020 Preseason Kick-Off All-Tournament Team – JV, Steve, Nick, and Erik (from left to right)

2020 Week 2 Recap

BEVERLY HILLS, MICHIGAN – Holy Bun Run Batman! We had dick out in Game 1 this week, nearly had it again in Game 2, and Game 3 produced more swingin’ sausage.

KP and Coach Mike started this week against JV and Dibble, and the latter duo only needed three and a half rounds to complete a 21-0 embarrassment. Not taking anything away from JV and Dibble, but KP and Coach were BAD. Coach’s KPM for the game was 5.4, while KP was a horrific 7.2 – a perfect recipe for tubesteak smothered in underwear.

Coach Mike’s pride was hurt, and he demanded we “run it back.” KP is the ultimate competitor, so he quickly agreed. Meanwhile, JV and Dibble snickered to themselves and happily obliged.

This time, JV and Dibble ran out to a 20-0 lead in just four rounds. Once again, they were very good, but Coach and KP were abysmal, with neither player scoring more than three points in any of the first four rounds.

Tim Allen from Santa Clause…errr…KP, bun running with Aunt Millie

In the fifth round, KP finally found some accuracy when he knocked three on the board and drained a cornhole for six points. JV only managed five points, and lost the opportunity for a second consecutive bun run. Dibble closed the game in the bottom of the fifth round, with a 7-6 advantage, for a 21-1 victory.

The foursome switched partners after two blowout games, with two-time LEG champion, JV, feeling confident that he and Coach Mike could find a different fate in Game 3. Turns out that partnership wasn’t any better. Coach Mike was bun run for the second time in three games, losing 21-0 in just four and a half rounds, capped by Dibble outscoring Coach, 8-1, in the top of the fifth round.

JV tells you how he really feels after getting bun run with Coach Mike

In each of the first three games Coach and Dibble played head-to-head, and Dibble outscored him 68-31, which was a primary factor in losing all three games by a combined score of 63-1 – yes, that’s SIXTY-THREE to ONE.

Aunt Millie Mike – King of Bun Runs

The Game 3 bun run was the sixth of Coach Mike’s career, and fifth since the 2019 season. He now has double the career bun runs compared to the second-most player (Paul – 3). He’s proven to be the king of bun runs, which is why we now call him “Aunt Millie Mike.”


The Game of the Night pitted Aunt Millie Mike and JV versus Bushie and Erik (Game 8). Spoiler alert, this one didn’t end in a bun run. Hallelujah, because I don’t think we could handle anymore dingalings this week.

This match truly was a back-and-forth slugfest – JV and Aunt Millie jumped out to a 4-0 lead, followed by Bushie and Erik storming back to take a 5-4 advantage. This seesaw continued:

  • JV and Aunt Millie back on top, 8-5
  • Bushie and Erik rallying to a 13-9 lead
  • JV and Aunt Millie chipped away, closing the deficit to 13-12 after six rounds

In the top of seventh round Bushie added another point, making it 14-12. Rihanna was banging in the background, and JV was juiced. Bottom of the seventh round:

Erik first toss – missed board

JV first toss – cornhole

Erik second toss – on the board

JV second toss – on the board

Erik third toss – on the board

JV third toss – missed board

Erik fourth toss – missed board

JV paused, focused on the hole, practiced his hip swivel…once, then twice. He fired his fourth bag, “RIGHT IN!” he yelled, bag not even two feet out of his hands. His high arching shot swished through the hole, barely grazing any wood!

“BITCH BETTA HAVE MY MONEY!” he screamed, and gave a Tiger Woods-like fist pump. A huge, 7-2 round gave JV and Aunt Millie a 17-14 lead!

Bushie then tied it at 17-17 in the eighth round with seven enormous points of his own, including two really difficult cornholes.

In the bottom of the eighth JV bested Erik, 5-3, to take the lead back, 19-17. Bushie did his best to close the game in the top of the ninth, knowing JV was surging at the other end of the boards.

He owned a 5-3 advantage with one bag to go, which helped tie the game at 19 apiece. He needed a cornhole to close the game, but his final toss caromed off the side of the board.

This is JV time. Game tied at 19, pressure to make shots with the game on the line, and he had momentum with back-to-back scoring rounds of 7-2 and 5-3. Erik has had plenty of positive moments in his LEG career, but he generally hasn’t performed in these situations. Advantage JV.

Erik threw first and found the board. JV answered with his first toss on the board. Erik’s second bag was right at the hole, but stopped hole-high with one corner of the bag dangling inside the hole, not enough to fall into the hole on it’s own.

JV wisely threw short and boarded his second bag, avoiding taking Erik’s bag into the hole.

Erik launched his third toss like it was shot out of a cannon. The bag landed perfectly in the middle of the board, just beyond JV’s d-bag, and ran up toward the hole. It smacked the back of the hole with so much force that it dragged Erik’s hanging bag into the hole as well.

What a throw! Two cornholes in one toss, taking a 7-2 advantage during a 19-19 game, and JV only had two bags remaining.

Where’s Rihanna when you need her? JV’s third toss was dead center of the board, but short – one point. Erik’s final toss missed the board, which could have completely clinched the game had he just boarded it (even a JV cornhole would have drawn Erik’s advantage to 8-6, and the game would’ve been over at 21-19).

Pressure shifted back to JV. Down 7-3, needing a cornhole to keep the game alive, he launched a Joe Dumars rainbow for three points. Unfortunately his fourth toss was short again, piling up all four of his bags in the middle of the board. Erik held on for a 7-4 advantage, and won the game, 21-19, with his two-for-one cornhole on the third toss.

There’s your money, JV!

Erik rising to the occasion with the game on the line was an enormous growth moment for him. But doing it against JV, one of the league’s top players, should give him tremendous confidence. Given the magnitude of the moment, who it was against, and how he pulled it off, Erik deserves this week’s Mushroom Stamp Moment for closing out Game 8 against JV.


Up until now, you probably have the impression that Erik was really good and everyone else was running around naked. While that’s true, it’s not the entire story. A total of eight players participated this week, and six of them crossed the 10.0 KPM mark, while two more were damn close.

  • Dibble – 16.8
  • Galz – 15.1
  • KP – 13.6
  • JV – 11.9
  • Erik – 11.5
  • Bushie – 11.0
  • Paul – 9.2
  • Aunt Millie – 9.0

Excluding the three blowout games to begin the night, four of the next 10 games were decided by four points or fewer. The games were ultra-competitive, which you’d expect from the KPM distribution above.

LEG’s career leader in bun runs – not his most competitive moment

For the second straight week, Erik started crushed his first game of the night. Last week he posted a 12.2 KPM in his first game, and this week he topped it at 12.6. Last week he cooled off as the night went on. This week he stayed hot, found the capacity to perform in the clutch, and finished with a 3-1 record.

Speaking of clutch, in the final game of the night (Game 13) Bushie and KP were down 20-19 to Aunt Millie and Dibble. Bushie closed the game with an 8-1 round against ol’ Bread Box.

Bushie had a great night, arguably his best individual night of any regular season to date.

Dibble had an incredible night, individually. His 16.8 KPM this week was just shy of his league-record 17.0 KPM (week 10 of 2019). He shot 72%, drained 1.21 cornholes per round, and scored 5.3 gross points per round. Yet, he finished just 4-4 overall, including 1-4 after the first three blowout games to begin the night.

Galz was also excellent this week, and shouldn’t be overshadowed by Dibble. His 15.1 KPM is crazy high, and he scored 1.07 cornholes per round while shooting 66%. In Game 6, he led his team (Paul) to a 21-6 victory while scoring 42 gross points and 12 cornholes in just six rounds (averages of 7 gross points per round and two cornholes per round).


  • KP started horribly and didn’t look good running naked with Aunt Millie. But he rebounded nicely after losing his first two games by a combined score of 42-1. He finished the night 6-3 (6-1 after getting embarrassed) and with a 13.6 KPM on 65% shooting. He also scored the only 12-point round of the night, which came in Game 5 against Galz – his 12-4 round blew open a 16-12 match and gave KP and Bushie a 21-12 win.
  • Aunt Millie had many moments of embarrassment, including solidifying his career lead in bun runs. However, it still isn’t as bad as JV shitting his pants in week 6 of the 2017 season. Despite his struggles, he rallied to a 9.0 KPM and increased his accuracy to 55%. Though he finished with a 1-7 record, his lone win was a partnership with Erik in a 21-10 victory over JV and Paul. In that game, he won the head-to-head match-up with JV, 32-31, and drained a game-high seven cornholes.
  • JV finished the night 4-5 with an 11.9 KPM on 70% shooting. Cumulatively he outscored every head-to-head opponent on the evening:
    • JV – 75 vs. Erik – 57 (though Erik put a Mushroom Stamp on JV’s head)
    • JV – 53 vs. KP – 42
    • JV – 33 vs. KP – 32
    • JV – 57 vs. Aunt Millie – 41

Oddly, JV never went head-to-head with Dibble, Galz or Bushie.

2020 Week 1 Recap

BEVERLY HILLS, MICHIGAN – The 2020 LEG season finally arrived, after a month-long delay due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unlike the opener to 2019, there was no Josh the Uber driver stopping by for weed. There were no flying beer cans landing on anyone’s head, nor where there any fireworks with people shitting their pants.

Though no major moments of hilariousness stood out, the bond of brotherhood was on full display this evening. There was an aura of deeper appreciation for the friendly faces we had all been missing for months, and that gratitude for one night was greater than the accumulation of hilarity over the previous four seasons.

As is often the case in the early weeks of the season, rust and inconsistency reared their ugly heads. The closest match of the night was in Game 2, 21 – 15 (more on that later), while the remaining matches played out like this:

  • Game 1: 21 – 9
  • Game 2: 21 – 15
  • Game 3: 21 – 7
  • Game 4: 21 – 11
  • Game 5: 21 – 3
  • Game 6: 21 – 4
  • Game 7: 21 – 11
  • Game 8: 21 – 12

Of the eight games, six were decided by 10 points or more. Even though partners weren’t able to put it together at the same time, several individuals still had impressive performances.

Erik began the night on fire, leading his team to a Game 1 victory while shooting 67% and posting a career-best KPM of 12.2. He dominated JV in their head-to-head match-up, outscoring him 24-15 while sinking a game-high four cornholes. His 24 gross points were also a game high in just six rounds (4.0 gross points per round).

Going into the sixth frame, he and Galz held a 19 – 9 lead, and Erik landed his first two bags on the board to secure 21 points. Meanwhile, JV missed all four of his bags. Erik was last to throw, so the victory was wrapped up after JV missed his final toss. Erik had one final bag just for pride, and statistics, and he drained a cornhole!

Unfortunately for Erik, his hot start cooled off. Maybe it was fatigue from not playing, but he ended the night with a 7.6 KPM, though he did shoot a solid 53%.


Game 2 featured Paul and KP battling Bushie and Galz. In the early going, KP and Galz exchanged body shots and were essentially even through four rounds, Galz holding a 19-18 edge.

But on the other end of the board, Paul was taking it to Bushie (not like that, though Bushie probably would’ve preferred it like that). Paul’s 12-4 domination through four rounds led to an 11-4 lead.

Bushie’s 10-point round in the Game of the Night was excellent, but he didn’t make enough cornholes the rest of the night.

A round five explosion was the turning point in the match. Galz drained two cornholes in a 7-1 ass whipping, while Bushie dropped three more cornholes in the bottom of the fifth on his way to a 10-4 advantage over Paul.

In the blink of an eye, Galz and Bushie erased a seven point deficit and gave themselves a 16-11 lead.

Paul was excellent in the sixth round, weathering the 12-point storm and helping pull his team closer, down only 17-15. But Galz was too much for KP, closing with rounds of 7-4 and 4-1, the latter clinching the match for he and Bushie, 21-15.

Galz was B-A-N-A-N-A-S in the game, averaging 5.5 gross points per round and dropping 11 cornholes. He outscored KP during the match, 44-30.

Galz may have been really good in the Game of the Night, and for the entire evening – posted a 13.4 KPM, 5-1 record, 4.3 gross points per round, 0.88 cornholes per round, and 64% shooting – but, he receives several strikes against him because he arrived smiling and strutting like he was The Man, yet was carrying a six-pack of 7 oz. Coronas. Yes, you’re reading that properly, SEVEN OUNCES!

It doesn’t matter how good you are when you drink 7 ounce beers

I don’t care if your KPM is 13-whatever, if you drink like a 13-year old girl. Step your game up, Galz!


It’s easy to look at the box score and assume a 21-3 game was boring. But Game 5 had plenty of fireworks, despite the blowout. JV and Erik faced Galz and Paul, and like the Game of the Night, Paul’s team raced out of the gate. They held an 8-3 lead early on, and Galz was primed to build on that lead in the third round.

After three bags each, JV held a 4-3 lead in the third round. On Galz’s final toss of the third round, he bullied two bags into the hole, flipping a 4-3 deficit to an 8-4 advantage. It was impressive and a demoralizing blow to JV.

But we all know JV has the heart of a two-time champion, and on his final toss he drew the bag right to left, curving it between bags that appeared to block the hole, and sank a big time cornhole to keep Galz from blowing the game open. A clutch shot from a clutch player.

Unfortunately for JV, his heroics were short-lived. In the next round Paul dropped his nuts on Erik’s face, tea-bagging three cornholes on Erik and narrowly missing a fourth three-pointer. His 10-2 round pushed their lead to 17-3 and drained all the air from JV and Erik’s balloon. One round later Paul and Galz closed the game, winning 21-3.

Paul’s 10-point round was easily this week’s Mushroom Stamp Moment (“MSM”). Congratulations to Paul for the first MSM of the 2020 season!


  • As mentioned earlier, Erik was phenomenal in a Game 1 victory. But, he proceeded to lose his remaining three games to finish 1-3 with a 7.6 KPM and 53% shooting.
  • Bushie didn’t make enough cornholes to produce a high KPM (only 8.2 KPM in week 1), but he did shoot 49% despite drinking Oakland county out of beers. His 10-point round on Paul in the Game of the Night was a big-time performance, and key to his team’s comeback victory. He finished the night 2-4.
  • Paul was only 1-3 on the night, but his MSM was unbelievable and he nearly crossed the 10.0 KPM threshold, posting 9.8 KPM. His accuracy was also excellent, shooting 60%.
  • Individually, JV had a great night – shooting 67%, recording a 10.3 KPM, and was one of three players (Bushie and Paul were the others) to post a 10-point round. Unfortunately for him, his partners were inconsistent all night and he finished with just a 3-4 record.
  • As good as Galz was, KP was better on this night. Galz did out-perform KP in the Game of the Night, but KP got revenge in a Game 7 victory while also outscoring Galz, 39-34. KP finished with a 15.2 KPM, 4-1 record, 76% shooting, and 0.94 cornholes per round. An excellent night for the reigning 2019 Postseason Champion.