Day: August 24, 2017

2017 Week 14 Recap

BEVERLY HILLS, MICHIGAN – Shit got REAL in week 14. It was a smaller group of players compared to normal standards when Bushie hosts, but it featured some of the big swinging dicks of the league.

Four players registered KPM of 10 or higher, including Nick who topped the 13 mark for the second time this season and tied the second-highest KPM all year at 13.4 (JV also registered a 13.4 in week 12).

Even more impressive was the fact that we had 4 different instances of players recording a 12 point round (all 4 bags in the hole). Throughout the Preseason Kick-Off Tournament and 13 weeks of regular season play, nobody had recorded a 12 point round. In fact, through 2 seasons of LEG, the only 12 point round on record was Barker in the 2016 Championship Tournament. So 4 different instances in one week is unheard of. Clearly guys are upping their play in the home stretch in the Road to the Cup.

The Game of the Night was in Game 3 and featured super-rookie and Coach Mike descendant (English majors, yes a nephew is still a descendant), Marco and JG against Nick and KP. It was a match-up of the 4 players with KPM >10.

Early on it was all Nick and KP, powered by arguably the best player in the league, Nick. He abused Marco in the early rounds, taking a +9 advantage en route to his squad racing to a 13-4 lead.

But Marco has too much pride to let things go down like that. He showed the fight one would expect from one of Coach Mike’s guys, and dumped a 10-1 round on Nick’s face in round 5. JG continued the momentum by outscoring KP by 2 in the same stanza, flipping the game to a 15-13 advantage.

KP and Nick couldn’t recover. KP sucked (more on that later) and Nick ran out of stamina fighting 1 vs. 2. Marco closed Nick out 7-3 in the final frame for a 21-16 win, which included a 17-3 run to get the “W”.

While we’re on the topic, Marco earns this week’s Mushroom Stamp Moment with his 10 in round 5 against Nick, which completely changed the game.

Congratulations to Marco on his first MSM of the season.

Game 12 was a close runner-up for Game of the Night. Joe and JG welcomed Coach Mike and KP to the woodshed, and didn’t waste time whipping that ass. JG outscored KP by 7 in the early going on the way to a 9-2 lead. Coach Mike, about to explode with frustration, led a 16-2 run, putting his team in position for a win. But an 18-11 lead wasn’t enough when your partner was struggling with his mental game (KP).

JG dominated KP down the stretch and Joe outscored Coach as well. JG and Joe came back to win 21-19, closing with a 10-1 run.

You may remember Coach Mike’s pop culture lesson from week 13, where he informed all of us about Usher’s dirty dick problems. Well, that has sparked a weekly segment called, “CoachFeed”.

This weeks “CoachFeed” may disappoint you. I came into the week expected to hear a full evaluation of the Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn leaked nude pics. Coach didn’t even bring it up!

Was Tiger flaccid? Is his dong not cut? Thoughts on the body Lindsey was hiding from the world? Seriously. Who the hell knew she had THAT under the ski gear?

Coach let me down. Thankfully I had thoroughly zoomed in on every single nude that was leaked and already had my own answers to these questions. Coach broke my heart a little bit, and I’m sure I’m not alone…

News and Notes:

  • I’m getting tired of talking about Nick, but fact of the matter is he’s really good. Not only did Nick record the second-highest KPM of the season (behind his own mark and tied with JV), but he also registered 2 of the 4 perfect rounds this week. Both of Nick’s 12-point rounds came against KP, which could’ve earned MSM honors. Nick was 56% from the field, 0.85 cornholes per round and scored 3.9 gross points per round on his way to a 6-2 round. He now sits at #4 in the power rankings.
  • JG had perhaps his most dominant week of the season, going 10-2 and reclaiming the #1 spot in the power rankings. He was the most accurate player this week (60%), tied Nick for most gross points per round (3.9) and hit 12.8 on the KPM. JG was also 1 of the 12-point rounds and damn near recorded a second one. In Game 4 he crushed Bushie 8-1 in round 7, but was a bit unlucky because 2 of his bags hung on the hole, so close to a 12. Nonetheless, his 8-1 advantage made it 20-9 overall and he ultimately led his team to a win. JG was very impressive, also having the most cornholes per game.
  • How about Marco? A 10-point round on Nick for the MSM of the week, and he posterized his uncle with a 12-point round. Guy is cold-blooded. Marco’s 3-5 record doesn’t tell the whole story. He had a 10.0 KPM, 0.67 cornholes per round and 4.5 cornholes per game (both third on the night). Plus, he has that beautiful lefty toss. Marco may be a fringe-.500 player, but he’s going to be a dangerous out in the year-end tournament.
  • Bushie went 5-5 for the night with a 7.9 KPM. Not bad for Bushie, but anyone who pays attention notices the trends in Bushie’s game. He starts strong (competes with the top players in the league) and then slowly fades as the Coors Lights stack up. Bushie lost 2 of his last 3, but he’s a competitive SOB. Don’t count him out because he’ll slap a cornhole on your forehead when you least expect it.
  • Coach Mike had a pedestrian night by his standards. His 8.8 KPM is actually very good, but his 4-7 record, accuracy (37%), cornholes per round (0.55) and cornholes per game (3.5) were way down from his usual levels. Maybe it’s because his nephew dropped a 12 on him. Maybe it’s because he didn’t see Tiger’s weiner. Get it together Coach.
  • Joe had two great wins, both of which he partnered with JG. He beat Coach Mike and Bushie, as well as Coach Mike and KP. Joe finished 2-3, and had some very loud moments where he dunked cornholes on his opponent. Plus, Joe’s rapid-release throwing style throws his opponents off their game and contributes in a way that doesn’t show up in the box score.
  • KP limped to a 2-8 record, including losing 7 in a row after he won his opening match. It was a terrible performance by KP and he drops all the way to #3 in the power rankings after previously holding the #1 spot for a few weeks. He needs to rebound quickly, with particular emphasis on his mental game.